Geometry Survival(mobile) - Unity3D (C#)

A mobile game in yet in development started in the Global Game Jam 18 (48h) in Valencia made with Unity.

The objective is to protect the the blue soldier for the longest possible time covering him with green soldiers.

In the video it is played from the computer so you have to use one joystick at a time.

This is not the exact GGJ build.

post 02/04/17 - Ángel Ramírez

Hi, I am Ángel Ramírez. I am a twenty one year old programmer specialized in videogames.

I studied one year of computer engineering and two years on ESAT (videogames programming focused university in Valencia). Last year I focused on learning Unity(C#) on my own.

Skills: Unity(C#), C, C++, HTML, CSS, Basic Networking, Quick prototyping, Mobile insutry.

Languages: Spanish navite, English.

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