Truth - Unity3D (C#)

/gamejam/ - Dec 16

Baguettes, Please - Unity3D (C#)

/mobile/gamejam/ - Dec 16

SuperHotInMiami - Unity3D (C#)

/personal_project/ - Dec 16

Pixelhell - Unity3D (C#)

/personal_project/ - Dec 16

Follower - Unity3D (C#)

/personal_project/mobile/ - Dec 16

Geometry Survival - Unity3D (C#)

/mobile/gamejam/ - May 23

Ninja Platformer - Unity3D (C#)

/personal_project/ - Jan 31


Faith2D (engine) - (C++)

/engine/ - May 23

ARPG - Unity3D (C#)

/personal_project/ - May 23

Battlezone2D - (C)

/post/ - May 23


Jetpac Clone - (C)

/post/ - May 12

Frogger clone - (C)

/post/ - Feb 12

Hi, I am Ángel Ramírez. I am a twenty one year old programmer specialized in videogames.

I studied one year of computer engineering and two years on ESAT (videogames programming focused university in Valencia). Last year I focused on learning Unity(C#) on my own.

Skills: Unity(C#), C, C++, HTML, CSS, Basic Networking, Quick prototyping, Mobile industry.

Languages: Spanish navite, English.

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