Faith2D (engine) - (C++)

A 2D Engine made by Diego Llorens, Gabriel Marín, Ángel Ramírez for our final c++ proyect.


- Component based
- 2D
- Animations
- Sounds
- Music
- Bezier
- Camera
- Collisions
- Geometry
- Hierarchy (parent/child transformations).
- Tag
- Texts
- Transformations
- Textures
- Gizmo
- Editor Mode / Game Mode
- Game mode other window.
- Data saving (By project and scenes managment)


- C++
- RapidJson
- ImGui
- SimpleIni
- TinyFileDialogs

post 02/04/17 - Ángel Ramírez

Hi, I am Ángel Ramírez. I am a twenty one year old programmer specialized in videogames.

I studied one year of computer engineering and two years on ESAT (videogames programming focused university in Valencia). Last year I focused on learning Unity(C#) on my own.

Skills: Unity(C#), C, C++, HTML, CSS, Basic Networking, Quick prototyping, Mobile insutry.

Languages: Spanish navite, English.

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